Hanky Panky Boys (clip 2)
Deep as the Night (from Deep as the Night) // Chieli Minucci
  1. Deep as the Night (from Deep as the Night) // Chieli Minucci
  2. Flowing Hair (from Acoustic Land – Gotham Music GM134) // Chieli Minucci
  3. Mr. Marzipan clip // Special EFX featuring Chieli Minucci - All Stars
  4. Good Times Ahead (from Got It Goin’ On) // Chieli Minucci
  5. Love Is Always Young (from Got It Goin’ On) // Chieli Minucci
  6. New Bop (from Sweet Surrender) // Chieli Minucci
  7. Great Escape (clip 2) // Special EFX featuring Chieli Minucci - All Stars
  8. Hot 100 (from Sweet on You) // Chieli Minucci
  9. Native Rivers (from World Journeys – Gotham Music – GM174) // Chieli Minucci
  10. Never Ending Love (from Deep as the Night) // Chieli Minucci