

March 2011

Without You

Special 25th Anniversary Double CD – Without You. 16 new songs, inclusive a booklet with photos and history of the band written by Chieli Minucci.... Read More
November 2010

Special EFX Europe tour 2010

NORWAY – AUGUST 14,15 Chieli Minucci & Special EFX Live in Europe – NORWAY – SILDA JAZZ FESTIVAL 2010.
March 2010
Capetown Jubilee (from Hot Sexy Travels – Gotham Music GM153) // Chieli Minucci
  1. Capetown Jubilee (from Hot Sexy Travels – Gotham Music GM153) // Chieli Minucci
  2. Nasir di Nuevo (from Night Grooves) // Chieli Minucci
  3. Sunset Passion Juice // Special EFX featuring Chieli MInucci - All Stars
  4. Flowing Hair (from Acoustic Land – Gotham Music GM134) // Chieli Minucci
  5. The Effect (from Confidential) // Chieli Minucci
  6. Garden of Eden (from Deep as the Night) // Chieli Minucci
  7. Wake Up // Special EFX featuring Chieli Minucci - All Stars
  8. Yesterdays Memories (from Slice of Life) // Chieli Minucci
  9. Beautiful Gold (from Deep as the Night) // Chieli Minucci
  10. New Bop (from Sweet Surrender) // Chieli Minucci